Police repression

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Belarusian musician arrested for singing 'L'Estaca' by Catalan composer Lluís Llach

Belarusian musician arrested for singing 'L'Estaca' by Catalan composer Lluís Llach

Llach's 'L'Estaca', classified as "extremist material" by Belarus police, was sung by the country's freedom movement in 2020

Berto Sagrera

Tuesday, 27 of february of 2024 - 21:21

Human rights court upholds conviction of Catalan rapper Pablo Hasèl: "Not disproportionate"

Human rights court upholds conviction of Catalan rapper Pablo Hasèl: "Not disproportionate"

Strasbourg court agreed that the rapper's comments and songs were "incitement to support terrorism"

Judit Pellicer

Thursday, 9 of november of 2023 - 23:07

Carles Vallejo's complaint of Franco-era torture, rejected by a judge, is appealed by prosecutors

Carles Vallejo's complaint of Franco-era torture, rejected by a judge, is appealed by prosecutors

Barcelona prosecutors see it as "premature" to reject complaint against officers of Franco's Political-Social Brigade

Jaume Vich

Wednesday, 18 of october of 2023 - 23:24

One teacher at El Palau school has case reopened over alleged words to son of Civil Guard

One teacher at El Palau school has case reopened over alleged words to son of Civil Guard

Remaining seven teachers from Catalan secondary school have 2017 referendum accusations definitively closed after long ordeal

Mayte Piulachs

Tuesday, 7 of march of 2023 - 22:00

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Spanish police ask minister to defend "the 45 heroes": officers charged over referendum violence

Spanish police ask minister to defend "the 45 heroes": officers charged over referendum violence

Police unions want Marlaska to help the 45 officers being prosecuted over violence at the 1st October 2017 vote in Barcelona

Alba Solé Ingla

Friday, 27 of january of 2023 - 22:13

Catalan Parliament backs Mohammed Said Badaoui and denounces Spain's Islamophobia

Catalan Parliament backs Mohammed Said Badaoui and denounces Spain's Islamophobia

In an opaque action, Spanish intelligence has ordered the deportation of Badaoui, a resident of Catalonia for 30 years

Marta Sánchez Iranzo

Wednesday, 19 of october of 2022 - 20:53

Youth asks judge to jail Spanish policemen for beating him in Via Laietana police station

Youth asks judge to jail Spanish policemen for beating him in Via Laietana police station

Prosecutor makes opposing allegation: 2 years' jail for the youth for insulting and threatening the officers

Mayte Piulachs

Tuesday, 4 of october of 2022 - 22:18

Colombia's new president saw what Spain did on October 1st, 2017 - and he spoke out

Colombia's new president saw what Spain did on October 1st, 2017 - and he spoke out

Gustavo Petro, Colombia's new left-wing leader witnessed the Catalan independence referendum and denounced Spain's repression

Judit Pellicer

Monday, 20 of june of 2022 - 21:57

Vivet won't go to jail: court reduces sentence for Catalan independence activist

Vivet won't go to jail: court reduces sentence for Catalan independence activist

Five-year sentence over assault was reduced to 18 months in a case with a multitude of controversial aspects

Mayte Piulachs

Thursday, 5 of may of 2022 - 19:40

V-Dem index: Spanish democracy is at its lowest level since 2017 Catalan crisis

V-Dem index: Spanish democracy is at its lowest level since 2017 Catalan crisis

Sharp decline in Spain's democratic quality measured by this index follows similar falls in the ranking of 'The Economist'

Pedro Ruiz

Wednesday, 2 of march of 2022 - 22:17

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The other Alcarràs movie that has also become a hit

The other Alcarràs movie that has also become a hit

The people of the Catalan town of Alcarràs prevented Spanish police from closing down their vote on independence in 2017

Thursday, 17 of february of 2022 - 22:59

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In Lorca, they're not called Jordi and they're not from Altsasu

In Lorca, they're not called Jordi and they're not from Altsasu

Iu Forn

Wednesday, 2 of february of 2022 - 23:01

Evidence submitted to try 90 police officers over referendum day actions in Barcelona

Evidence submitted to try 90 police officers over referendum day actions in Barcelona

Mayte Piulachs

Thursday, 27 of january of 2022 - 22:38

Jail terms for two Madrid youths who protested against Catalan referendum violence

Jail terms for two Madrid youths who protested against Catalan referendum violence

Two of the six Madrid protesters arrested over pro-referendum rally are sentenced to 3 years and 8 months' jail

Nura Portella

Wednesday, 26 of january of 2022 - 21:34

A study debunks the indicators that classify Spain as a "full democracy"

A study debunks the indicators that classify Spain as a "full democracy"

Democracy indices like those of 'The Economist' and V-Dem Institute are "opinion polls of experts", asserts study

Berto Sagrera

Wednesday, 26 of january of 2022 - 20:18

Another police officer who didn't tell the truth

Another police officer who didn't tell the truth

Iu Forn

Wednesday, 3 of november of 2021 - 23:42

Six of the 'Lledoners Nine' protesters acquitted before end of controversial trial

Six of the 'Lledoners Nine' protesters acquitted before end of controversial trial

Gemma Liñán

Wednesday, 3 of november of 2021 - 20:46

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Spanish court prosecutes 13 pro-independence CDR activists for terrorism

Spanish court prosecutes 13 pro-independence CDR activists for terrorism

Gemma Liñán

Tuesday, 14 of september of 2021 - 21:04

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Amnesty International uses Catalan referendum to exemplify police baton excesses

Amnesty International uses Catalan referendum to exemplify police baton excesses

Judit Pellicer

Thursday, 9 of september of 2021 - 22:58

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Police officer admits to designing referendum day action at Barcelona school

Police officer admits to designing referendum day action at Barcelona school

Gemma Liñán

Monday, 5 of july of 2021 - 21:09

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What's happening in Colombia?

What's happening in Colombia?

Sira Cusiné González

Monday, 10 of may of 2021 - 22:24

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Judge blames local council for damages left by Civil Guard's anti-Puigdemont raid

Judge blames local council for damages left by Civil Guard's anti-Puigdemont raid

El Nacional / ACN

Tuesday, 12 of january of 2021 - 21:38

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Spanish policeman says he beat Catalan referendum voter to give a "wake-up call"

Spanish policeman says he beat Catalan referendum voter to give a "wake-up call"

El Nacional / ACN

Friday, 13 of november of 2020 - 22:57

Prosecutors to investigate after police-held audio of Catalan politician is leaked

Prosecutors to investigate after police-held audio of Catalan politician is leaked

El Nacional

Tuesday, 10 of november of 2020 - 19:50

Isn't it time by now for a pro-independence accord?

Isn't it time by now for a pro-independence accord?

José Antich

Tuesday, 3 of november of 2020 - 17:40

ERC to lay international complaints against Spanish Civil Guard operation

ERC to lay international complaints against Spanish Civil Guard operation

Marc González

Monday, 2 of november of 2020 - 23:44

Three years since Spanish king's partisan speech against the Catalan referendum

Three years since Spanish king's partisan speech against the Catalan referendum

Núria Casas

Saturday, 3 of october of 2020 - 18:21

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Òmnium, joining case against police violence of the 2017 Catalan referendum

Òmnium, joining case against police violence of the 2017 Catalan referendum

Gemma Liñán

Thursday, 1 of october of 2020 - 01:28

2,850 empty chairs: the Catalan protest symbolizing the absence of liberty

2,850 empty chairs: the Catalan protest symbolizing the absence of liberty

Jordi Palmer

Friday, 11 of september of 2020 - 19:49

In France they investigate: inquiry opened into police who brutally beat a protester

In France they investigate: inquiry opened into police who brutally beat a protester

El Nacional

Sunday, 19 of january of 2020 - 22:38

The repression in Catalonia: 2,500 affected since autumn 2017

The repression in Catalonia: 2,500 affected since autumn 2017

Marina Fernàndez

Tuesday, 17 of december of 2019 - 23:05

Catalonia protest arrests: violence, intimidation with a knife and a suicide attempt

Catalonia protest arrests: violence, intimidation with a knife and a suicide attempt

Marta Lasalas

Thursday, 5 of december of 2019 - 21:42

Spanish police, judges, politicians reported to the Hague over 2017 Catalan referendum

Spanish police, judges, politicians reported to the Hague over 2017 Catalan referendum

Cèlia Forment i Bori

Thursday, 28 of november of 2019 - 18:34

Lawsuits against Spanish police for crimes against humanity archived

Lawsuits against Spanish police for crimes against humanity archived

El Nacional

Friday, 15 of november of 2019 - 18:53

Arrested Catalan protesters on police: "Blood was flying, staining the walls"

Arrested Catalan protesters on police: "Blood was flying, staining the walls"

Marta Lasalas

Wednesday, 30 of october of 2019 - 18:40

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Riot squads act against protesters outside Spanish police station in Barcelona

Riot squads act against protesters outside Spanish police station in Barcelona

El Nacional

Saturday, 26 of october of 2019 - 21:22

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Hundreds of thousands call for "Liberty!" in new Catalan march against repression

Hundreds of thousands call for "Liberty!" in new Catalan march against repression

El Nacional

Saturday, 26 of october of 2019 - 18:47

Diplomatic friction between Russia and Germany over the question of Catalonia

Diplomatic friction between Russia and Germany over the question of Catalonia

Lluís Bou

Friday, 25 of october of 2019 - 22:19

At least 122 cases of "police violence" in six days of unrest in Catalonia

At least 122 cases of "police violence" in six days of unrest in Catalonia

El Nacional / ACN

Wednesday, 23 of october of 2019 - 20:11

Council for the Catalan Republic: "The police violence must be investigated"

Council for the Catalan Republic: "The police violence must be investigated"

El Nacional

Saturday, 19 of october of 2019 - 19:11