
Spain's double standard on infrastructure: Mediterranean vs Atlantic corridor

Spain's double standard on infrastructure: Mediterranean vs Atlantic corridor

Despite the delays in completing the Mediterranean corridor, the state now plans to develop the Atlantic plan in parallel

Pedro Ruiz

Wednesday, 8 of march of 2023 - 20:59

The MidCat, scrapped: Macron wins and Sánchez loses

The MidCat, scrapped: Macron wins and Sánchez loses

José Antich

Friday, 21 of october of 2022 - 17:27

'Frankfurter' warns of the rise of colonialist glorification in Spain (unlike Portugal)

'Frankfurter' warns of the rise of colonialist glorification in Spain (unlike Portugal)

German daily focuses on new Lisbon monument to enslaved peoples, and asks whether such a memorial would be possible in Madrid

Lluís Bou

Thursday, 2 of june of 2022 - 15:37

Brussels rejects Spanish plan to limit gas price to 30 euros: "Unfair competition"

Brussels rejects Spanish plan to limit gas price to 30 euros: "Unfair competition"

The EU has raised the gas price maximum for Spain and Portugal to 50 euros/MWh, according to 'El Independiente'

Sara Brull i Ortega

Friday, 1 of april of 2022 - 21:59

Portuguese daily to Spain: "Stop pursuing Alay and investigate Juan Carlos"

Portuguese daily to Spain: "Stop pursuing Alay and investigate Juan Carlos"

Newspaper asserts that Spanish justice is corrupt and hypocritical for letting the royal family off the hook

Núria Casas

Tuesday, 1 of february of 2022 - 20:53

pastilla video
Felipe VI reopens Portuguese border amid chants: "Spain will be republican"

Felipe VI reopens Portuguese border amid chants: "Spain will be republican"

Nicolas Tomás

Wednesday, 1 of july of 2020 - 19:48

Spain's PSOE complain over Portuguese counterpart's stance towards Catalonia in Lisbon

Spain's PSOE complain over Portuguese counterpart's stance towards Catalonia in Lisbon

Lluís Bou

Friday, 29 of november of 2019 - 19:49

Portuguese politicians and intellectuals support "freedoms in Catalonia"

Portuguese politicians and intellectuals support "freedoms in Catalonia"

Alba Solé Ingla

Tuesday, 23 of april of 2019 - 21:30

Spain mobilises its ambassador after Catalan president visits Portugal

Spain mobilises its ambassador after Catalan president visits Portugal

El Nacional

Monday, 1 of april of 2019 - 21:23

Disquiet at Spain's Lisbon embassy over support for Catalan political prisoners

Disquiet at Spain's Lisbon embassy over support for Catalan political prisoners

Alba Solé Ingla

Sunday, 31 of march of 2019 - 22:49

Cristiano Ronaldo extends Spain's crisis (3-3)

Cristiano Ronaldo extends Spain's crisis (3-3)

Bernat Aguilar

Friday, 15 of june of 2018 - 23:43

pastilla video
Portuguese MP evokes Catalan political prisoners in speech for 25th April

Portuguese MP evokes Catalan political prisoners in speech for 25th April

El Nacional

Wednesday, 25 of april of 2018 - 19:20

Catalan parties receive Portuguese president with yellow carnations

Catalan parties receive Portuguese president with yellow carnations

Estefania Molina

Tuesday, 17 of april of 2018 - 21:13

50 MEPs call on Spanish government to "stop its repressive actions immediately"

50 MEPs call on Spanish government to "stop its repressive actions immediately"

El Nacional

Friday, 22 of september of 2017 - 18:47

From Portuguese carnations to Catalan carnations

From Portuguese carnations to Catalan carnations

El Nacional

Saturday, 9 of september of 2017 - 20:25