
pastilla video
Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan TV news in 10 minutes

Catalan News / ACN

Monday, 10 of december of 2018 - 21:47

Catalan president says visit to Slovenia has "broken the international silence"

Catalan president says visit to Slovenia has "broken the international silence"

El Nacional

Friday, 7 of december of 2018 - 21:34

pastilla video
Vice-president of S&D in European Parliament calls for release of Catalan political prisoners

Vice-president of S&D in European Parliament calls for release of Catalan political prisoners

El Nacional / ACN

Thursday, 9 of november of 2017 - 19:50

pastilla video
Spanish PM Rajoy fails to make Europe forget about Catalonia

Spanish PM Rajoy fails to make Europe forget about Catalonia

Carlota Camps

Thursday, 19 of october of 2017 - 22:45

Slovenian politician says they will recognise independence

Slovenian politician says they will recognise independence

El Nacional

Wednesday, 18 of october of 2017 - 21:35

Jón Hannibalsson on Catalonia: "The EU must not stand by and shrug its shoulders"

Jón Hannibalsson on Catalonia: "The EU must not stand by and shrug its shoulders"

Antoni Maria Piqué

Saturday, 14 of october of 2017 - 20:41

Slovenian Parliament passes resolution in favour of self-determination

Slovenian Parliament passes resolution in favour of self-determination

El Nacional

Friday, 13 of october of 2017 - 19:52

12 countries support Catalonia according to RT

12 countries support Catalonia according to RT

El Nacional

Wednesday, 11 of october of 2017 - 21:44

Former president of Slovenia demands Spain stop "threats of military intervention" in Catalonia

Former president of Slovenia demands Spain stop "threats of military intervention" in Catalonia

El Nacional

Thursday, 28 of september of 2017 - 21:13