Societat Civil Catalana

aka SCC 

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Spain's right-wing media turn up the heat for anti-amnesty protest called in Barcelona

Radio hosts Federico Jiménez Losantos and Carlos Herrera condemn Pedro Sánchez for his negotiations with Carles Puigdmeont

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Tuesday, 3 of october of 2023 - 21:06

Unionist groups mobilize 150 families to demand 25% Spanish in all Catalan schools

Unionist groups mobilize 150 families to demand 25% Spanish in all Catalan schools

Groups close to Ciudadanos encourage parents to take court action that will "end the Catalan immersion system"

Sara Brull i Ortega

Friday, 7 of january of 2022 - 19:46

SCC between propaganda and shot in the foot: the data dismantling their story

SCC between propaganda and shot in the foot: the data dismantling their story

Carlota Camps

Sunday, 1 of march of 2020 - 20:10

SCC and the “pro-independence skiers”

SCC and the “pro-independence skiers”

José Antich

Saturday, 29 of february of 2020 - 18:36

pastilla video
Split emerges within anti-Catalan independence movement

Split emerges within anti-Catalan independence movement

David Recasens

Monday, 26 of august of 2019 - 22:19

The day that Antonio Tajani revealed his sympathy for a Catalan unionist group

The day that Antonio Tajani revealed his sympathy for a Catalan unionist group

El Nacional

Saturday, 16 of february of 2019 - 23:21

Pro-Spain leader warns that reapplying 155 could "set Catalan streets on fire"

Pro-Spain leader warns that reapplying 155 could "set Catalan streets on fire"

El Nacional

Saturday, 2 of february of 2019 - 21:15

Societat Civil Catalana launches European anti-independence platform

Societat Civil Catalana launches European anti-independence platform

El Nacional

Tuesday, 8 of may of 2018 - 21:04

Latest pro-Spain march in Barcelona attracts smaller crowd

Latest pro-Spain march in Barcelona attracts smaller crowd

Gustau Nerín

Sunday, 18 of march of 2018 - 18:49

pastilla video
Unionists demand prison for Puigdemont in their largest ever protest

Unionists demand prison for Puigdemont in their largest ever protest

Nicolas Tomás

Sunday, 8 of october of 2017 - 17:39