Yolanda Díaz

Yolanda Díaz Pérez,
born 1971 in Fene, Galicia.
Politician belonging to the Spanish Communist Party (PCE), which is part of the United Left alliance (Izquierda Unida, IU), and is in turn part of the Unidas Podemos electoral alliance.

Spain's second deputy prime minister since July 2021 (3rd deputy PM from March 2021).
Senior figure in the Unidas Podemos electoral space. 

pastilla video
Yolanda Díaz resigns as leader of Sumar

Yolanda Díaz resigns as leader of Sumar

Yolanda Díaz announces her resignation as leader of Sumar after her party's poor showing in the European elections in Spain

Abel Degà

Monday, 10 of june of 2024 - 16:29

Sánchez, Ayuso, Díaz and Abascal, the four victims of Galicia

Sánchez, Ayuso, Díaz and Abascal, the four victims of Galicia

José Antich

Tuesday, 20 of february of 2024 - 17:57

Podemos provokes the defeat of the Spanish government decree promoted by Yolanda Díaz

Podemos provokes the defeat of the Spanish government decree promoted by Yolanda Díaz

The alt left party rejected the decree on unemployment benefits, but agreed with the PSOE to help pass the other two texts

Abel Degà

Wednesday, 10 of january of 2024 - 22:11

Podemos blames Yolanda Díaz for their absence from the new Spanish executive

Podemos blames Yolanda Díaz for their absence from the new Spanish executive

Podemos consider the veto to their presence a "serious political mistake"; meanwhile, Sumar will occupy five ministries

Jaume Vich

Monday, 20 of november of 2023 - 23:21

The PSOE-Sumar accord: chequebook populism

The PSOE-Sumar accord: chequebook populism

José Antich

Wednesday, 25 of october of 2023 - 17:55

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PSOE and Sumar vow to "correct autonomous underfinancing" in coalition programme announcement

PSOE and Sumar vow to "correct autonomous underfinancing" in coalition programme announcement

Sánchez and Díaz also say they'll reduce the Spanish working week to 37.5 hours and present a series of social measures

Tuesday, 24 of october of 2023 - 22:23

Sumar details that independence process amnesty must not protect police accused of serious crimes

Sumar details that independence process amnesty must not protect police accused of serious crimes

Jaume Asens asserts that the amnesty is not a bargaining chip, but an historic agreement to overcome the political conflict

Marta Lasalas

Tuesday, 10 of october of 2023 - 22:49

The Spanish government recognizes the legitimacy of Puigdemont

The Spanish government recognizes the legitimacy of Puigdemont

José Antich

Tuesday, 5 of september of 2023 - 17:14

The image of Yolanda Díaz smiling at Puigdemont's side annoys Spanish police unions

The image of Yolanda Díaz smiling at Puigdemont's side annoys Spanish police unions

Not only the political right but also Spanish police unions condemn Sumar's meeting with the exiled Catalan leader

Quim Riera Guitart

Monday, 4 of september of 2023 - 21:52

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Yolanda Díaz meets with Carles Puigdemont, promising to "explore all democratic solutions"

Yolanda Díaz meets with Carles Puigdemont, promising to "explore all democratic solutions"

Spain's acting deputy PM holds first public meeting by a Spanish government minister with the Catalan president in exile

Marta Lasalas

Monday, 4 of september of 2023 - 19:30

Yolanda Díaz offers Junts and ERC the use of Catalan in Congress in exchange for Bureau deal

Yolanda Díaz offers Junts and ERC the use of Catalan in Congress in exchange for Bureau deal

The Sumar leader affirms that there have already been initial contacts between Jaume Asens and Junts per Catalunya

Abel Degà

Wednesday, 2 of august of 2023 - 22:41

Yolanda Díaz closes the book on a Catalan referendum: "It's not on the table"

Yolanda Díaz closes the book on a Catalan referendum: "It's not on the table"

Current Spanish deputy PM buries the possibility of holding a "consultation" in Catalonia: "Serenity and peace are needed"

Abel Degà

Thursday, 6 of july of 2023 - 20:51

Sumar is nothing: a return to the past

Sumar is nothing: a return to the past

José Antich

Monday, 26 of june of 2023 - 17:07

Cold reaction from Yolanda Díaz weakens Comuns promise of a Catalan referendum

Cold reaction from Yolanda Díaz weakens Comuns promise of a Catalan referendum

Yolanda Díaz preferred not to comment on the referendum promise for Catalonia that the Comuns made this Thursday

Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall

Thursday, 22 of june of 2023 - 21:16

Sumar and Podemos sign deal to fight Spain's July 23rd election together

Sumar and Podemos sign deal to fight Spain's July 23rd election together

Yolanda Díaz and Ione Belarra sign the agreement that officializes the Spanish left wing's unity for the general election

Abel Degà

Friday, 9 of june of 2023 - 23:02

Yolanda Díaz's launch of Sumar candidature for Spanish general elections isolates Podemos

Yolanda Díaz's launch of Sumar candidature for Spanish general elections isolates Podemos

Díaz's new platform has support from Más País and Commons, but Podemos accuses it of "not being a transformative left"

El Nacional

Monday, 3 of april of 2023 - 13:25

Podemos sheds its skin

Podemos sheds its skin

José Antich

Monday, 11 of july of 2022 - 17:45

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Spanish labour reform passes by one vote, erroneously-cast, and cuts out ERC

Spanish labour reform passes by one vote, erroneously-cast, and cuts out ERC

Two conservative MPs from Navarra rebel and only an error by a PP deputy allows the labour reform to pass

Nicolas Tomás

Thursday, 3 of february of 2022 - 20:11

Spanish government looks to minor parties to save its labour law reform

Spanish government looks to minor parties to save its labour law reform

The executive reiterates that it will not touch the text, as the pro-independence parties demand if they are to vote for it

Nicolas Tomás

Tuesday, 1 of february of 2022 - 21:37

Sánchez questions Garzón and opens a new front with Podemos

Sánchez questions Garzón and opens a new front with Podemos

Podemos accuses the Spanish prime minister of buying the right wing's fake news

Nicolas Tomás

Monday, 10 of january of 2022 - 21:27