Read in Catalan

The government of Israel has responded in Catalan to the decision of the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, to break off relations with Israel and to suspend twin city ties with Tel Aviv, and has affirmed that this decision "will not manage to damage mutual friendship". It also warned that with this move, "extremists, terrorist groups and anti-Semites" are being strengthened. The statements were made by the spokesperson for the Israeli foreign ministry, Lior Haiat, in an official statement.

"The statement of the mayor of Barcelona on the suspension of relations with the state of Israel and with the city of Tel Aviv is a regrettable decision that is totally against the opinion of the majority of the citizens of Barcelona and its representatives in the city council. The decision is a reinforcement for extremists, terrorist groups and anti-Semites, and is against the interests of the citizens of Barcelona. For many years the friendship between Israel and Barcelona has been based on a culture and shared values. This painful decision will not manage to damage this friendship," he indicated.

Meanwhile, the Israelite community of Barcelona, which brings together the Jews of the Catalan capital (that is, it is Israelite, linked to the Jewish people, and not Israeli, linked to the state) has shown its rejection of the mayor this Wednesday after her decision to break off relations with Israel and suspend the twinning with Tel Aviv. The community decided not to attend today's awards ceremony for centenary entities and institutions. This was the first edition of the award of this distinction, which from now on will be awarded annually, but it has been born with obvious controversy due to Colau's move.

The Junts candidate in the Barcelona mayoral contest, Xavier Trias, criticized Ada Colau's decision and stressed that what the city must do is "work for harmony". "It is a serious mistake [the break-off by Colau]. This is one of the reasons, among many others, why a change is needed in the city council. Barcelona must work for harmony, without sectarianism, avoiding confrontation and committing to dialogue and understanding," he asserted.