"Sembla ser que no podré reunir-me amb la gent de New Hampshire i amb el senador Sanders aquest dissabte". És el missatge que l'actriu nordamericana Susan Sarandon, una ferma activista, ha escrit als seus seguidors avisant que ha suspès la cita que tenia programada per demanar una major conscienciació sobre el canvi climàtic, la violència amb armes i les lleis sobre immigració, que ella considera una emergència d'abast nacional.



Sarandon, de 73 anys, ha tingut una causa major per anular una entrevista que esperava des de feia temps: una forta caiguda (no explica en quines circumstàncies), que li ha provocat una commoció cerebral, una fractura nasal, un gran blau al front i un hematoma a l'ull dret. Vaja, un quadre del que afortunadament no ha hagut de lamentar danys encara més greus. Ella mateixa ha publicat sengles imatges impactants que han fet posar les mans al cap als seus amics i seguidors després de veure com li ha quedat la cara:


A little slip = concussion, fractured nose, banged up knee. So, looks like I won’t be able to meet the folks in New Hampshire with Senator Sanders tomorrow. I’m really sorry I’ll miss that opportunity but here’s what I’d hoped to say: This is an emergency. Ask the scientists, the farmers, the creatures in the sea. Ask all those who have lost their homes from hurricanes, flood and fire, ask the endless stream of climate refugees, and the people of Flint, San Juan, and Standing Rock. This is a emergency. Ask the mothers who have lost their children to the opioid epidemic or because of the price of insulin. Ask the mothers who have lost their kids to gun violence in schools, in churches, in their bedrooms. This is an emergency. Ask those separated from their families at the border, or those separated from their loved ones by an unjust, racist, for-profit prison system. This is an emergency when our young people have no hope for education, for dream-making, because of insurmountable student debt. When teachers are forced to have additional jobs and when 40 hours of honest labor can still leave you in poverty. When homophobia, Islamaphobia, transphobia and racism take lives, that is an emergency. This is not the time for a “pathway” to or “framework” for incremental change. Emergencies require bold, visionary leadership. Senator Sanders believes in us and that together a better world is possible. He has been fighting for social, racial and economic justice his entire life, long before running for President, often before it was acceptable. Now it’s time for us to fight for him.

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"Oh, my God" ha estat l'expressió més repetida tot i que ella mateixa ha volgut tranquil·litzar els fans dient que tot i l'aparatositat, es troba bé.