Després d'un bon temps allunyada de l'estudi, Selena Gomez torna junt amb Benny Blanco amb l'àlbum I Said I Love You First.. Al llarg de les seves cançons, repassa records, es mostra vulnerable, parla de les seves inseguretats i també de com ha après a estimar-se. Hi ha picades d’ullet al seu passat com a estrella Disney, sí, però també reflexions més profundes sobre què significa ser dona en una indústria que exigeix tant. L’àlbum sona a un diari personal. T’expliquem què hi ha darrere de cada cançó amb les seves pròpies paraules.

Totes les cançons de 'Do Yo Wanna Be Perfect' amb explicació

En diferents entrevistes i declaracions, recollides pel compte de fans @_selenagomezecu, Selena ha explicat el significat de cada tema. Aquí tens aquest recorregut cançó per cançó.

1. I Said I Love You First

Comentari de la Selena:

"La introducció del àlbum és en realitat mi últim dia en Los Hechiceros de Waverly Place, que per alguna raó semblava no poder oblidar. Va ser la millor època de la meva vida i els vaig prometre al repartiment i a l'equip que somiaria i esperaria fer que se sentissin orgullosos algun dia, així que d’això tracta."

Letra de I Said I Love You First

I just really wanna say thank you, mm
For every single thing that everybody does in this room for me
Because I did grow up away from my family
Moving out of Texas, coming here and
All of you have raised me so many different ways and you challenged me as a person
So I, I have this launch pad you've all given me
'Cause now I can do so many wonderful things because of this
You've helped me grow up and watched me grow up
And I really hope that I won't let you down
With everything else that I do
So thank you for being a part of my life and a beginning of something I hope lasts a long time

2. Younger and Hotter Than Me

Comentari de la Selena:

"Younger and Hotter està intencionadament després de la meva introducció perquè reflecteix la pressió que pateixen les dones i suposo que també les estrelles infantils, si té sentit. Sembla com si sempre hi hagués alguna cosa més brillant i nova, i no et sents tan bé, i sempre hi ha inseguretats que apareixen. I és meravellós poder expressar-ho de la manera com ho faig, amor. Si creus que la cançó parla d’una relació i t’hi identifiques així, espero que la gaudeixis, però per a mi tracta més aviat del camí que fem les dones, tinguem l’edat que tinguem. Jo tinc 32 anys i encara tinc inseguretats, i aquestes coses apareixen tot el temps. Així que és més una interpretació del meu camí, no necessàriament d’una relació."


Waited outside your apartment
You used to come down for me
I used to feel like an angel
Now I'm a dog on your leash
Begging for more

X on my hand drawn in Sharpie
Now I use my own ID
All of the girls at this party
Are younger and hotter than me
And I hate what I wore
But I hate myself more

For thinking you were different
Wish I never loved you
We're not getting any younger
But your girlfriends seem to

Looking for something to tell you
Looking for reasons to speak
Pictures of you at the movies
Is she younger and hotter than me?
Is it all in my head?
Should have moved on instead

For thinking you were different
Wish I never loved you
We're not getting any younger
But your girlfriends seem to

Someone else
Was I someone else?
Now you are someone else
Someone else

Waited outside your apartment
You used to come down for me

3. Do You Wanna Be Perfect

Comentari de la Selena:

"Do You Want To Be Perfect és només un petit i bonic embolic al mig, i sóc jo sent cursi explicant fins a quin punt, ja saps, la societat espera que siguem perfectes tot el temps, però només és això."


Hi, do you wanna be perfect?
Do you wanna be sexy?
Do you wanna live up to completely unrealistic standards set by the current landscape of social media?
Oh, wow, do we have the product for you!
Now for six easy payments of only a hundred thirty-nine dollars, these
What? Hey, hey
Hey, hey, what are, what are you doing?
Hey, don't turn that off, just give me my mic
Hang on, hang on
No more of the unrealistic standards of perfect
It's so boring
Actually, just be exactly who you are
There's literally no one like you

4. Call Me When You Break Up

Comentari de la Selena:

"Call Me When You Break Up va ser una cançó que em va cridar l’atenció a l’instant. Aquesta cançó era més aviat un joc, i en realitat no parla d’una relació. Parla d’una amistat, i de com algú pot estar en una relació i perdre aquella amistat. I la vols recuperar. Així que és una mena de gir. No crec que ningú ho sabés. Però si se sent com si fos sobre un xicot o una parella, crec que també és meravellós."


Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system
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Call me when you break up
I wanna be the first one on your mind when you wake up
I miss the way we'd stay up
We'd talk about forever when I'm takin' off my makeup

Call me when you break up
And maybe for a time
I could have the space they take up
And make you forget what their name was
And whеn you're feelin' down
I can show you what you're made of

Call mе when you break up
Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah-ah, ah
Call me when you break up
Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah-ah, ah

I'll make it worth it, I'll make it worth it
I'll make it worth it (I'll make it worth it)
I'll make it worth it, I'll make it worth it (and maybe you could)
I'll make it worth it

Call me when you break up
I'm battlin' the lack of us, I've looked for medication
Tried every obvious replacement
In bars and strangers' beds until my faith was in the basement

Won't you call me when you break up?
I feel so outta luck
I'm skipping cracks along the pavement
Look, I'm emotionally bankrupt
We're so meant for each other
I mean, God, when will you wake up, wake up?

Call me when you break up
Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah-ah, ah
Call me when you break up
Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah-ah, ah

I'll make it worth it, I'll make it worth it
I'll make it worth it, I'll make it worth it
I'll make it worth it, I'll make it worth it (and maybe you could)
I'll make it worth it (oh, you picked up, um)

Call me when you break up
Unless you found the person that you want a new name from
I'd like to be there when that day comes
You know I'm always here, so don't ever be a stranger

5. Bluest Flame (feat. Charli XCX)

Comentari de la Selena:

"Bluest Flame, Charli XCX és la més genial, no cal ni que ho digui, ja ho sabeu. En Benny ha treballat amb ella i jo vaig tenir l’oportunitat de fer-ho a Same Old Love, així que estic molt emocionada que ens poguéssim ajuntar i simplement fer un temazo, saps? No hi ha molt a pensar, és més un 'vinga, passem-ho bé'. És com 'estic enamorada', o 'estic emocionada', o 'estic gaudint aquest moment'. És d’aquelles cançons que poses i balles. Gràcies."


Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Hey there
When I lay in your arms, am I there?
When I'm lost in the garden of air
You know how it feels
Body on body, it's you and me, and it's real

I don't know if I can take this
I can't hide it, I'm burning up (yeah)
Try to fight it, try to fake it
I can't hide it

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame
Ah, never get out my mind, never get you out my brain
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
Hotter than the bluest flame

6. You Said You Were Sorry

Comentari de la Selena:

"Ok, potser he mentit. Aquesta potser és la meva preferida de totes. Aquesta cançó va sortir d’un somni que vaig tenir. Em vaig despertar d’un somni salvatge —jo somio molt vívidament: veig colors, cares, ho veig tot— i un matí li vaig explicar a en Benny el que havia somiat. I era més sobre un conflicte, o millor dit, un assumpte conflictiu que sentia que havia de resoldre. Però a la vida real, t’adones que a vegades no cal resoldre-ho. A vegades ser qui ets i tirar endavant és la millor opció. M’encanta que hàgim pogut portar-ho a un món de somni."


PCH, driving Malibu, baby
Type of love that can make a bitch crazy
He feels me up, yeah, he never gets lazy
I wouldn't leave him, huh, even if you paid me

Don't think about you
Happy without you
More now than I ever was

But I had a dream
You said you were sorry, said you were sorry
Sorry for everything
That you put on me, that you put on me
Our eyes were balling rain
We finally both forgave, yeah
I had a dream, that's all it was
That was enough for me

Ah, na-na-na, ah, na-na-na, yeah
Ah, na-na-na, that was enough for me
Ah, na-na-na, ah, na-na-na, yeah
Ah, na-na-na, that was enough for me

New flame, he could melt a damn diamond
Spell my name, see the back of my eyelids
Oh, this is love, now I get why people like it
Really like it, you should try it

Don't think about you
Happy without you
More now than I ever was

But I had a dream
You said you were sorry, said you were sorry
Sorry for everything
That you put on me, that you put on me
Our eyes were balling rain
We finally both forgave, yeah
I had a dream, that's all it was
That was enough for me

Ah, na-na-na, ah, na-na-na, yeah
Ah, na-na-na, that was enough for me
Ah, na-na-na, ah, na-na-na, yeah
Ah, na-na-na, that was enough for me

7. I Can’t Get Enough

Comentari de la Selena:

"I Can’t Get Enough. És clar que havia d’estar a l’àlbum. Entenc que molta gent ja l’ha escoltat, però per a mi és un reflex d’aquell moment en què en Benny i jo ens estàvem fent amics, i després tot va ser tan divertit. Així que, per descomptat, volia incloure-la en l’àlbum que vaig fer amb l’amor de la meva vida."


I like that, you like that, so let's be crazy
The contact, impact, I want that daily
Our breath getting deeper, deeper lately
I like that, baby

'Cause I can't get enough
Yeah, I can't get enough
Yeah, I can't get enough of your love
Give me some more, I love it
I can't get enough, yeah
'Cause I can't get enough (leggo)

Dice que no le es suficiente (wuh)
Está mal de la mente (yeah)
Cuando está solita, que entre (eh)
Música para ponerla en ambiente, yeah, yeah
Ella quiere que lo hagamo' como aquella ve' (yeah)
Le busqué otro trago por si tenía sed (uh)
To' lo que se pone, bonito se le ve (bonito se le ve)
Empezamo' a pie y ahora andamo' en el jet

Vamo' a calentar
Baby, tú va' a subir y a bajar (yeah)
No se quiere olvidar, lo quiere recordar
Baby, yo quiero entrar

'Cause I can't get enough (yeah)
Yeah, I can't get enough (yeah, Latino gang)
Yeah, I can't get enough of your love
Give me some more, I love it
I can't get enough (come on), yeah
'Cause I can't, can't

I like that, you like that, so let's be crazy (crazy, crazy)
The contact, impact, I want that daily
Our breath getting deeper, deeper lately (lately, lately)
I like that, baby, yeah

Ooh, and no one's gotta know, we can keep it lowkey
I'll be fine alone, long as you're alone with me (tell 'em)
So incredible, unforgettable on me
Keep your body on me (leggo, leggo, Tainy, come on)

'Cause I can't get enough (benny, benny blanco)
Yeah, I can't get enough (J Balvin, man, Selena)
Yeah, I can't get enough of your love
Give me some more, I love it
I can't get enough, yeah
'Cause I can't get enough

8. Don’t Take It Personally

Comentari de la Selena:

"Aquesta cançó és una altra que vam construir a partir d’una història que em van explicar. Així que soc jo i l’experiència d’algú del meu passat que va haver de passar pel que calgués per seguir endavant amb la seva vida. I això se sent... és estrany dir-ho, però sí, jo soc la persona a qui li va passar."


I know the two of you used to talk, like, every day
And ever since I came around it hasn't been the same
You probably got a dart board with my face right in the middle
He sleeps in my bed, I met his parents, it's official

Please, don't take it personally
Some things are just meant to be
Don't waste all your energy
We both know that he loves me

Oh, honey, you deserve it
I know you're gonna find somebody perfect
Please, don't take it personally
Some things are just meant to be

You're so beautiful, it’s still hard for me to swallow
I used to get so jealous, I would stress eat, drown my sorrows
In a bottle of vodka
And then I remembered that he doesn't want ya
No, he doesn't want ya

Please, don't take it personally
Some things are just meant to be
Don't waste all your energy
We both know that he loves me

Oh, honey, you deserve it
I know you're gonna find somebody perfect
Please, don't take it personally
Some things are just meant to be

Forever, forever, forever
Oh, forever
Forever and ever

Please, don't take it personally

9. Scared of Loving You

Comentari de la Selena:

"Scared of Loving You és el petit encant més dolç que vam posar cap al final del disc, curiosament. No havia de ser el primer senzill, simplement ens vam enamorar de la cançó i vam pensar que seria una manera perfecta de mostrar a la gent el nostre món. I ja sabeu quant ens estimem, i fa por enamorar-se perquè mai vols perdre aquella persona. Sí, adeu nois."


If I broke your heart, would you take me back?
If I broke my arm, would you sign my cast?
When I was young, I would love too fast
Hope I don't repeat my past

'Cause I'm not scared of lovin' you
I'm just scared of losin' you
I'm not scared of anyone or dyin' young
Or if you're gonna find somebody new
'Cause how could they love you as much as I do?
As much as I do

If I lose my shit, promise not to laugh
If I throw a fit and get photographed
Would you take my side? Would you hold my hand?
If they sell a lie, don't let 'em send me back

'Cause I'm not scared of lovin' you
I'm just scared of losin' you
I'm not scared of anyone or dyin' young
Or if you're gonna find somebody new
'Cause how could they love you as much as I do?
As much as I do

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