Ja ha passat una mica més de la meitat de l’any i la humanitat ha esgotat tots els recursos naturals que tenia disponibles per aquest 2019, segons informa l’ONG Global Footprint Network a la seva web. Això suposa un nou registre: l’ésser humà ha consumit la capacitat dels recursos del planeta una setmana abans que l’any passat.

Seguint aquesta denúncia, el Fons Mundial per la Natura (WWF, per les seves sigles en anglès) ha revelat que actualment la humanitat necessitaria 1.75 planetes l’any per viure, en comparació al 1970 quan els recursos naturals duraven fins el 23 de desembre, és a dir, gairebé tot l’any.

Per aquest motiu, avui es parla del Dia de la Sobrecapacitat de la Terra, que va canviant any rere any, ja que es calcula un cop comparada la demanda anual de recursos amb la capacitat real del nostre planeta per regenerar-los.

Què suposa això?

El fet que la humanitat hagi consumit els recursos disponibles per tot l’any en set mesos té com a conseqüència que la resta de l’any haguem de viure en “números vermells”, és a dir, que ho farem a costa dels recursos futurs o de països no tan contaminats.


The World is Not Enough: Number of Earths/its resources needed if the world’s population lived like the following countries (2019) • “This year, Earth Overshoot Day came on July 29, 2019. This is the second time the day, which marks the time at which humanity has used up its allotment of #natural planetary resources for the year, occurred in the month. It had occurred in August between 2010 and 2017.” • “The day, whose existence is highlighted by the NGO Global Footprint Network, means that all humans on Earth for this year have already used up more #naturalresources than #mothernature can reproduce annually. Emissions, but also of resources like wood or fish and the use of land for crops, are among the things counted in when calculating Earth Overshoot Day.” • “Industrialized nations have the biggest share in pushing its date forward, as seen in the organization's country profiles. The USA is the biggest offender. If all nations lived like #USA residents, the resources of 5 Earths would be needed each year in order for the natural environment to regenerate. The USA overshoot day is therefore on March 15. #Australia, which had been ahead of the USA for some years, now had its overshoot day on March 31, with 4.1 "Earths" used annually. India was among the countries whose style of living would use up less than a whole Earth each year if practiced globally, which also has to do with poverty still being widespread in the country.” • Like what I share? Curating this page demands a huge effort. Help me keep my work, buy me a coffee via paypal: ko-fi.com/fanmaps (link in my bio). • Help us grow our community: Tell a friend about our page! • Via: @Statista • #map #world #country #population #cartography #geography #earth #globe #people #planet #history #economy #resources #nature #globalwarming #climatechange

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El país que consumeix més recursos i que, per tant, està al cap davant de la Sobrecapacitat és els EUA, que amb el seu ritme de consum requeriria cinc planetes per abastir-se. Espanya, però, es troba com la mitjana europea que és de dos planetes i mig per a cobrir la seva demanda ecològica.